Tough Topics

Programs designed for youth group leaders and parents of teens to provide
knowledge of complicated cultural issues and practice in challenging conversations.

"I am incredibly grateful for this series, because it's exactly what parents, youth group leaders, and clergy need to help our young people stay strong and flourish amidst an often toxic culture."

- Mary Rice Hasson, JD, Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Youth want to know the truth, speak it in love, and they want to be ready.

Tough Topics is an educational program of instruction on cultural issues and role-playing to prepare teens to have solid friendships – to be attentive and ready to lead each other down paths of health and healing.

The purpose of Tough Topics is for participants to gain knowledge and skills needed to seize opportunities in everyday conversations to clear up confusion, affirm common sense, and offer genuine support.

T2 started as a youth ministry activity at a parish in McLean, Virginia.

The programs under "Topics" were developed by a team of parents, directors of youth ministry, and others under the spiritual guidance of the pastor.  It has been used in homes by families and in larger event settings for teens as well as adults.

Since formation in the dignity of life can begin with very young children, the team also compiled "Raising Children of Light" for age-appropriate recommended books, videos, and conversation guides starting with toddlers. Guiding principles like "a person's a person, no matter how small" provide direction and wisdom throughout life. "Raising Children of Light" encourages parents and teachers to reinforce the goodness of life at every age.

The Programs

Each topic has a two-part program: a 45-minute video and role-playing materials.

Part 1: The video features various experts in the field.

Part 2: The role-playing materials review key principles and present realistic scripted scenarios.

Sampler of Videos

Abortion Basics 0:00 // Abortion Industry 4:38
Gender Identity 8:28 // Same Sex Attraction 15:44

Hundreds of thousands of abortions are performed every year in America, but that does not make it ethical, healthy or just. This program helps teens understand and be prepared to discuss abortion from a virtue standpoint with a perspective that guards the interests of the entire family.

The Eugenics movement, upon which Planned Parenthood was founded, was based on a lie that Blacks are unfit to procreate.  This program equips teens with facts from the past and present to expose the deceptions permeating Planned Parenthood.

Discussion of gender identity has grown in pop culture, politics, and academia and is amplified by a cooperative media.  The video portion of our Gender Identity Program provides an overview of transgender issues using content from perspectives of biology, social sciences, testimonials, unintended victims, and the Christian response.

The promotion of homosexual behaviors is nothing new to Hollywood; cinema and lobbyists have endeavored to normalize same-sex relationships for decades. This topic offers guidance to help young people understand and react to their own natural curiosity and arms them with tools to discuss same sex attraction and marriage in a charitable way with their peers.

What Experts are Saying...

"Tough Topics is a creative way of applying eternal truths to today’s questions and so to bring some clarity. I recommend it as an effective way to engage teenagers, to keep them from the errors of our culture, and to provide them a firm foundation."

--Very Rev. Paul D. Scalia, Pastor, St. James, Episcopal Vicar of Clergy, Diocese of Arlington

“I speak to thousands of adults each year about the transgender movement, particularly its impact on teens. The immediate reaction of clergy, teachers, youth ministers, and parents is always  "How do we talk to teens about this? We need resources!" Tough Topics is the answer! Created by parents and youth ministry leaders, the Tough Topics series addresses teens' real life questions and challenging everyday situations -- not only about "gender identity" and the transgender movement, but also on sexuality, same-sex attraction, and abortion. Using videos and guided role-playing, the programs are designed to engage teens and bolster their faith, giving them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to address these "tough topics" with truth and authentic compassion. I am incredibly grateful for this series, because it's exactly what parents, youth group leaders, and clergy need to help our young people stay strong and flourish amidst an often toxic culture.”

--Mary Rice Hasson, JD, Kate O'Beirne Senior Fellow and Director of the Person and Identity Project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center

“For the last 33 years, I have experienced alongside my OBGYN patients firsthand the intimate and shameful damage done by the Sexual Revolution. Tough Topics is a clear and powerfully practical antidote for our teenagers to become witnesses for the truth and instruments of real healing and possible prevention for this scourge that has decimated our families - FIRST to recognize the damage; SECOND to have conversations not only to defend their healthy medical and moral positions; but LASTLY to share their insights with peers in a compassionate, provocative and courageous manner. This is how we truly help the Holy Spirit renew the culture. I recommend it highly to families and their teens to thrive during these poisonous times. My own journey might have been different if I had Tough Topics as a resource.”

--John T. Bruchalski. M.D., Author, Two Patients: My Conversion from Abortion to Life-Affirming Medicine

What Teachers & Youth Ministers are Saying...

“Tough Topics is a fantastic tool for youth ministry.  It has helped us address some of the most sensitive issues that teens often deal with and teaches them how to speak the truth with charity.  Not only does Tough Topics explain what the Church teaches regarding these issues, it explains how these challenging teachings are in reality good news for those who are struggling.  These programs are beneficial not only for the teen participants, but also for the parents and adult volunteers.” (Michael, Virginia)

“Tough Topics empowers both adolescents and adults to effectively engage and communicate, with clarity and charity, the truth of major, sensitive issues of our time using faith and reason so as to bring healing to a culture that is greatly wounded by insidious, toxic lies and practices.

From myth-breaking videos to a variety of practical role-playing scenarios, every participant will walk away confident that he or she will make a positive and personal difference in the lives of others, drawing them closer to their Lord, Jesus Christ. As one of the founding members of this program, I am humbled to see the fruits of the Holy Spirit made manifest in the lives of the participants.” (James, New York)

What Parents are Saying...

“At a time when even medical science is manipulated to support particular political and social agendas, it is refreshing to see the True presented not only with integrity and clarity, but with respect and charity as well.” (Joseph, M.D., Virginia)

Tough Topics is a Godsend!  My daughter [who attends a public school] was really struggling with and against everything in the Tough Topics videos.  After attending one program, we are now having heart to heart talks. The Tough Topics event really turned her around.  She understands that she was created by God as a young lady for a purpose, that she is not alone, she can stand up and she has a voice in this fight against good and evil.”  (Christine, Virginia)

“Within weeks of doing the Tough Topics programs on abortion an opportunity presented itself.  My children and I exited a museum to find a young lady with a clipboard seeking support for Planned Parenthood. I asked her what her positive experiences had been with the corporation.  I acknowledged her testimony then let her know that I had heard testimonies of some mothers who were gravely harmed by abortion. I asked if she wanted information on healing resources in case she meets anyone hurting like that. She said yes and took of picture of some Project Rachel information I had handy. As we departed she thanked me for being so nice to her.” (Elizabeth, Virginia)

“It was fantastic! We learned so much and look forward to the next session. “ (Eileen, Virginia)

What Teens are Saying...

“The testimonies in the video program opened my eyes to see the woundedness deep inside many otherwise healthy looking people. I want to be part of the healing process.” (Tommy, Virginia)

“After going through the Tough Topics series, I was able to confidently discuss some of these issues with extended family members who disagreed.” (Karen, Virginia)

“Tough Topics helped me to understand the horrors of abortion and gave me solid arguments to help me defend my views.” (Gabriel, Virginia)

“Tough Topics helped educate me on the Topics.” (Daniel, Virginia)

“I appreciated the program so much that I want to [change my scheduled college visit plans] so that I don’t miss the next tough topics program … on Friday night!” (Elise, Virginia)