Rated “R” 

Resources for Young Adults over age 17 


More insidious details with hope and encouragement to engage in the battle.  


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

By J. R. R. Tolkien

• Principle: The battle against evil is worth it and even the smallest can play a big part; It is up to us to decide what to do with the time we’ve been given.

• Format: Three (3) Classic epic novels taking place in a fictional world about the perennial battle between good and evil (458, 352, 416 pages respectively)

• Recommended Use: (Re)read as an adult.

• Order books or Kindle Editions at


A Fairytale Retold: Rapunzel Let Down

By Regina Doman

• Principle: Sexual perversions have grave consequences but hope and healing lie beyond

• Format: A fast paced modern-day parable, page-turner, and a moral primer wrapped up with fascinating character development, compelling dialogue and a story that draws you in and won't let you go (502 pages)

• Recommended Use: To be determined by parent after reading the author’s note about age appropriateness of this novel.


“This book presumes that the reader has already become acquainted with the sad state of human sexuality, and knows something of the sorrows and the burdens of the loss of innocence, and the banal sexual depravity that taints so much of our lives. This is a book for readers who are searching earnestly for answers to those problems, even subconsciously, and who need hope.” – Regina Doman

Warning: “Prostitution, pornography, forced abortion, rape, lesbianism, homosexuality, child molestation, and vicious hatred of the other sex all make an appearance. Characters speak openly about sexual aberrations using blunt and profane language. While very little is graphically shown, many things are frankly discussed as possible solutions to the problem of man and woman, and their genius for wounding one another. If your sons or daughters are innocent of any or all of the above topics, please don't let them read this story.” – Regina Doman

• Order hardcover, paperback or Kindle Edition at



Eclipse of Reason

By Dr. Bernard Nathanson

• Principle: 2nd trimester abortions are severely invasive to the most sacred part of a woman and tears a living human being apart limb by limb.

• Format: Documentary narrated by former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson depicting a second trimester abortion via fetoscopy. (27 minutes)

• Recommended Use: View with older teen and adults to clarify exactly what an abortion is; after watching the film, pray soberly before discussing.

• Watch film at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ILndK3aDg 

Maafa 21

Black Genocide in the 21st Century America.

• Principle: Planned Parenthood originally was and still is a racist organization

• Format: 2 ½ hour documentary intermingling narration of three hosts with images from original documents and resources and testimonies.

• Recommended Use: Block off 3 hours to watch with older teens/adults who are ready to know the history of eugenics in America, especially when they are studying WWII.

• Watch documentary at www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eWxCRReTV4 


Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

• Principle: Human sex trafficking is a worldwide odious crime that needs to be exposed; healing is possible because Jesus is amazing

• Format: hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends of modern day sex slavery. From the first scene, Nefarious gives an in-depth look at the human trafficking industry, showing where slaves are sold (often in developed, affluent countries), where they work, and where they are confined (103 minutes)

• Recommended Use: Watch with older teens/adults before they travel abroad or as trafficking comes up in current events/life.

• Watch trailer, rent & stream, and order DVD on https://www.nefariousdocumentary.com/

or watch for free at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFaDHgXPbUg 


Hallow: Prayer & Meditation

• Format: On the Home Page the Explore by Category section features about 20 different recorded rosaries, some by famous voices such as St. Padre Pio, others in different languages like Latin and Spanish, one for workouts, another focused on Our Lady’s seven sorrows. The App includes many other features to assist one in making prayer and recollection part of each day.

• Recommended Use: Get Halo on your phone and let your son or daughter try out some features. At the milestone of owning a phone with App capacity, consider purchasing a subscription as a gift. Some colleges offer free subscriptions to students so check on that option if it applies to your family.

• Download from App Store or Google Play. Try it for free or subscribe monthly or annually at: https://hallow.com

©2023 Elizabeth Crnkovich, Theresa Crnkovich, Rev. Christopher Pollard.

All Rights Reserved. For information on reprints please contact:



Printed with Permission by St. John the Beloved Catholic Church, 6420 Linway Terrace, McLean, VA 22101